Your Wealth Quest

Take control of your wealth journey

Financial education and coaching for working adults

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My Education & Coaching Services

Here, the focus is investing in YOU.  An investment in yourself for a better financial future.  If you’re here looking for a financial advisor, you’ve come to the wrong place.  Financial advisors focus on investments.

Very few of us ever received any financial education to address common financial life events.  Yet, we’re expected to manage our money for everyday expenses along with saving and investing for now, emergencies, and the future.  This requires some skills, strategies, and the proper mindset and psychology to be successful.  That’s what I help you build so you are capable and confident in…

Gain control of your personal finances

Life events like buying a house or retirement

Prepared for changes in personal finances

Overcome financial hardships or challenges

How Do I Know If I Need Financial Education?

What is Financial Education?

Financial Education enables you to improve your understanding of personal finance concepts, skills, strategies, and psychology.  This understanding ultimately empowers you to better evaluate financial products, protect what you have, prevent fraud, and make decisions appropriate to your circumstances, needs, and goals.

Do you struggle with common financial life events?

Achieve your personal financial goals.  Finding your way in today’s complex financial world can be very challenging.  Very few of us ever received a financial education to help us understand and address common financial life events like:

  • Buying a house
  • Having children
  • Recovering from divorce or death of a spouse
  • Getting to retirement
Are you lacking personal finance skills, strategies and mindset?

Realize you have the ability to successfully manage your money.  Life can be hard.  Properly managing your money should not be one of those hardships – and it doesn’t have to be.  I’m not going to sugarcoat this.  It does take some time and effort, but you can learn the skills, strategies, and mindset to get yourself onto a path toward financial security and wealth.  Think about it, wouldn’t it be great to

  • Know where your money is going?
  • Have a plan in place to build wealth?
  • Automate much of your decision-making to have peace of mind that you’re on your way to financial security?
Does talking with a financial adviser fill you with dread?

Be more confident when you do talk to a financial advisor, banker, or take-on making an investment

  • Have a plan for your financial future and be able to communicate this plan
  • Smartly work with your adviser when making decisions on your behalf
  • Feel confidence in your spending, saving, and investing decisions
Are you looking for ways to take your personal finances to the next level?

Financial education will provide you to

  • Get crystal clear about your financial goals and what is holding you back from achieving them. 
  • Gain control of your income, spending, saving, and investing.
  • Have simple systems in place to manage and automate your personal finances.

Don’t know where to start?